Mike + Eliza//Why I love my job


I should preface this post by saying it is so fun to meet people and realize how many similarities you have with them.  There's that awesome moment where you say, "me too!" and boom, you've bonded.  This happened on so many levels when I met Eliza and Mike.  Mike is from upstate New York, which is where I am from.  He went to college in Binghamton, NY, where my brother was born and parents lived for a few years.  And then he traveled south like any good bird to come to law school at Georgia (just like me, except the law school part:).  Eliza and Mike met at a friend's house in Athens while Eliza was finishing up her undergraduate work at UGA.  Eliza is one of those awesome quick friend people- the kind you meet and 10 minutes later you feel like she might be one of your new best friends.  She is super fun and lively, and it turns out she and I have lots of similarities, too.  We both like photography (she is starting to do wedding photography- wahoo!), we both dressed up like Hillary Clinton in female pant suits and did Model UN in high school, and I think it's safe to say we both make our significant others probably a little uncomfortable with our craziness sometimes:) I think that might be the best part! Eliza does this really awesome move where she shoots her hands out like guns and shakes her hips- I think it's need to be named something official.  I am so so so excited to photograph her wedding just to see her do that in a wedding dress.


Thank you Eliza for this awesome muscle picture.

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Yes- here it is... the gun shot.  Eliza doing some awesome moves and Mike thinking here she goes agaaaaainnn...

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We took a stroll through campus and ended up in the Law School building, where Mike has spent most of his time these past three years.  And then we had the idea of using the books with numbers on them to take a photo with their wedding date (10.26.13) and Eliza's engagement ring.  So there we were looking for the right book to use and the right colors and mixing it all up.  It was fun times.  Hence the last picture in this post- nothing says engagement pictures like international and comparative law:)

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I really can't wait for this October wedding- is is going to be fantastic. Thank you guys for hanging out and letting me be a part of telling your story- you're awesome!